
กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก มิถุนายน, 2018


PS2 Controller Sketch for ESCs and Stuff Le Wed 22 October 2014 The ideal controller for this  ROV  is a wired Playstation 2 controller. Luckily they are still made and there is a library for the Arduino to talk to them. It is also possible to  buy sockets for the Playstation 2 controller to plug into without having to make any modifications to the controller. This sketch is a development to test the use of the wired Playstation 2 controller for driving a series of servos and LEDs. The Servos are stand-ins for the ESCs that would be used in reality. The LEDs are used to simulate camera triggers and status as well as pretend to be the main lights. A more detailed article on using Playstation2 Controllers for Arduino projects is available on the  " Using A Playstation 2 Controller with your Arduino Project " page. The sketch has been set up for easy splitting into the two sections; one for the Top-Side master Arduino and one for the ROV Slave Arduino with a ...